
  • Legendary T-34 back on pedestal in Gomel after renovations
    Legendary T-34 back on pedestal in Gomel after renovations
    GOMEL, 12 June (BelTA) - The legendary T-34 tank, which was the first to break into Gomel during the liberation operation in 1943, was returned to its place after renovations. Currently, Vosstaniya [Uprising] Square that houses the tank is underway renovations. The square is named...
  • War veteran Galina Lelikova receives congratulations
    War veteran Galina Lelikova receives congratulations
    On 1 May, Galina Lelikova, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, from Kalinkovichi, received congratulations on the upcoming Victory Day from Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Ivan Krupko. The head of the region warmly congratulated the veteran on the upcoming ...
  • Ambassador: Russia-Belarus cooperation in tourism is booming
    Ambassador: Russia-Belarus cooperation in tourism is booming
    MINSK, 18 April (BelTA) - Over the past two or three years, tourist flows between Russia and Belarus have been growing by 50% annually, Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov said at an opening ceremony  for the international fair of tourism services Leisure 2024 in Minsk,...
  • Flower business in Gomel
    Flower business in Gomel
    This year the Gomel forestry planted 30,000 bulbs of 15 varieties of tulips in its greenhouses. The first tulips have already gone on sale. The demand for flowers will peak closer to International Women’s Day on 8 March.
  • Kochanova: Memory Train will be milestone event in 2024
    Kochanova: Memory Train will be milestone event in 2024
    MINSK, 14 February (BelTA) – The joint Belarusian-Russian cultural and educational patriotic campaign Memory Train enjoyed a great success and will be held at a high level in 2024, Chairperson of Council of Republic Natalya Kochanova said at the opening meeting of the organizing ...