
Early voting starts in Belarus on 4 August

To vote early in the presidential elections in Belarus from 4 to 8 August. The stations will operate from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 19.00, informs "Gomelskaya Prauda".

We will remind, voting in the primary election day on sites will be held on 9 August from 8.00 to 20.00. In the voting lists included 6 844 932 voters.

It is necessary to compulsorily have identity documents. Ballots will be issued on presentation of a passport or certificate of the bodies of internal Affairs about loss of passport for military personnel military service – upon presentation of military ID. If a voter has no ID (e.g., submitted to the Embassy for a visa), but it is included in the voting lists, the ballot can be issued on the basis of the official identity card of the civil servant, student card, pension card with photo or driver's license.

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