Site search

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Empty search query (does not contain letters or digits).
Correct the search phrase and try again.
Search Query Syntax
Typically, a query is simply one or more words, for example: contact Information
By such a request, pages will be found where both words of the query are found.

Logical operators
Operator Synonyms Description
and &, + Operator logical "and".
The request for "contact information" is completely equivalent to the request for "contact and information".
or | Operator logical "or".
Allows you to search for elements containing at least one of the operands.
not ~ Operator logical "not".
Limits the search for pages that do not contain the word specified after the statement.
( ) Operator round brackets.
Specifies the order of logical operators.
Logical operators allow you to build more complex queries, for example:
  • contact information or phone
    By such a request, pages will be found where either the words “contact” and “information” or the word “telephone” are found.
  • contact information not phone
    By such a request, pages will be found on which the words "contact" and "information" are found, but the word "phone" is not found.
You can use brackets to build more complex queries.